If you’ve been struggling with addiction, you know the toll it can take on your career, your family, your friends and your quality of life. The last thing you want is a treatment center that isn’t well suited to your type of addiction and isn’t committed to your recovery. That’s why it’s important to carefully vet any addiction treatment center in Palm Beach or elsewhere that you are considering checking yourself into.
What to ask when looking for a good addiction treatment center
- Is the facility licensed and accredited?
Substance abuse treatment centers in Florida are required to be license by the Florida State Department of Children and Families. A good starting point when vetting a treatment center is to make sure that they have the necessary licenses and accreditation.
- Does the treatment center’s focus make your personal philosophy?
Addiction treatment is a difficult process and it’s unlikely that you’ll agree with everything that they staff say and do. However, it’s important that the overall philosophy match yours. For instance, if church and religion is a vital part of your life, you’ll want to seek out a faith-based treatment center, or if you are gay, you’ll want a treatment center that is accepting of your lifestyle.
- Is the facility accepted by your insurance plan?
Most facilities will check your insurance coverage for potential patients at no charge, and it’s a good idea to know what your insurance benefits are before you get a large bill after treatment. Finding out that you owe thousands of dollars for treatment that you weren’t expecting has the potential to derail your recovery. Best to know what to expect in advance.
- What is the foundation of the center’s treatment program?
Does the facility base its treatment on a 12-step program, on cognitive behavior therapy or on something else?
- Does the facility have an after care program?
The first few months after treatment can be filled with potential pitfalls. It’s helpful to have a support team from the treatment center in your court to rely on when the going gets rough. It’s not overstating to say that a good after care program can be the difference between recovery success and relapse.
Addiction treatment palm beach and beyond
Retreat Premier Addiction Treatment Centers offer drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs in Pennsylvania and Florida. To learn more about our centers for addiction treatment and/or to schedule an evaluation, contact us today at (insert contact info here). We care!