<strong>My Dad Loves Cooking With His Food Processor</strong>

My dad was getting ready for retirement, and we were all worried because he doesn’t do well with sitting still. There’s always something to do: gardening, baking, fixing something on the house, working on a car. Just not relaxing. 

My brother and I thought it would be nice to nurture my dad’s hobby of cooking, especially for the wintertime when it was too cold to do things outdoors. We discussed it with my mom, who was totally on board. We honestly think she was relieved because chances were that he’d drive her crazy if he didn’t have something to do.

We did research on what a good cooking tool would be to keep him occupied and would get a lot of use. We learned that a food processor was a pretty handy tool in the kitchen. 

We told our mom what we came up with, and not only did she think it was a great idea, but she told us that she already had a good food processor, but we would probably need all new blades since she used to use it a lot. 

We figured it would be a good idea to go this route. It would let him get the hang of it, and see if he liked it rather than going out and splurging on something he technically already had. We all agreed that this was the right idea. 

My brother found KitchenWorksUSA where we could get authentic Cuisinart 14 cup food processor parts. We ordered all new blades, including the chopping blades, a grating blade and a dough blade. Then we got him a food processor recipe book. 

When his retirement party day arrived, we had his blades and book wrapped and we’d give those to him at the party. We stuck a bow on our mom’s food processor for when he got home. We explained what we were up to. 

My dad ended up finding so many uses for the food processor; way more than we had ever imagined. He decided that he was going to prepare a weekly dinner with recipes that he found in his book. He’s gotten really creative, which is so awesome. 

He’s about 4 months into his retirement now, and he’s still going strong. He uses it at least twice a week. We’ve never even had to consider buying him a brand new food processor since we are able to get parts for it. 

We definitely made the right decision. We are most certainly reaping the benefits too and we’re so happy that this tool has brought so much happiness into our dad’s life during retirement. 

News Reporter
Greg Jones: Greg's blog posts are known for their clear and concise coverage of economic and financial news. With a background as a financial journalist, he offers readers valuable insights into the complexities of the global economy.